Natasha & Enrique

Pre-wedding on terrace

overlooking the Guadalquivir River

In our opinion, pre weddings are always a success but in the case of international weddings it is almost a necessity. An intimate and informal moment is created with all family and friends who have moved to the marriage bond, is there anything more special?

The mix of these two cultures created an unforgivable scene. Sevilla is one of those cities where converge different cultures that make it part of the own local people.

Persian Ceremony

Loaded with traditions and rites … a challenge for a wedding planner

Natasha is from Iran and Enrique is from Spain, they both live in California but they choose to get marry in Sevilla. This weeding made the difference from all weddings for several reasons: First the challenge of putting together a Persian ceremony, secondly the premiere for us to work together with Alfonso XIII Hotel.

Getting nervous? Nothing like that. Excitement? A lot.

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